Having brain cancer has had a wonderful way of changing my perspective on just about everything, including turning 50 today. When I turned 30 I was sad to be getting older. Today, I have no wish to be young again. I harbor little nostalgia for years gone by. I have only immense gratitude for this day, for the privilege of turning 50, for being alive.
I am very, very happy to be 50. Bring it on, y’all!
Beautiful vitality in your face, Fran; you and I, as cancer survivors, share that “new perspective.” Every single day is, truly, a precious gift. Happy Belated!
Just met you courtesy NYT & its interview with you. I’m drawn to your story for 3 reasons: I survived a ruptured brain aneurysm in 2012 & have undergone 4 brain surgeries since; I’m on ObamaCare and share your fears of its repeal or replacement with the awful AHCA; and I’m a writer, to boot! My worries about the future of American health insurance led me to write about those fears, which were published by STAT News/First Opinion (part of Boston Globe) on 4/3/17. AND, like you, I just had a “marker” birthday, turning 60 on 2/26.
Soooo — all a windy way of saying I’m sorry you’ve had to undergo the journey of brain cancer, I wish you all the best. Let’s hope and pray sanity will step in and right the ship that is our healthcare. ACA needs tweaks, not the trashcan!
Blessings, Melanie Ormand
Very nice to meet you here, too, Melanie! If our difficulties can help create a better health insurance program for all people in the U.S. it will be a great thing. I’ve found my writing skills are coming in handy – it seems like yours are, too. Being in the recent New York Times article has inspired me to get off my duff and help create the change. Glad you are doing the same!
Happy Birthday Fran. We miss you.
You look great Fran. Happy Birthday and many, many more.
Thanks, Phil! I will see you in May!
And what a beautiful 50! You wear your years well, with grace and wisdom. Happy birthday!
Thanks, Kathleen! All our love to you all ❤
God bless & party on!
Thanks, Anni! It is definitely birthday week here, so the party continues
Happy Big 50, Fran! You look great!
Thanks, Susan! Trying to follow in your footsteps
Like Jean said you look fabulous!!!
Thanks, Eileen! Hugs!
Forget good… you make 50 look FABULOUS!! Can’t wait to celebrate with you! LOVE YOU!!!
Love you, too, Jean! Can’t wait to see you
Keep up the great attitude. Grateful is good!!!
I am grateful to feel grateful