So, This Happened…And This is Happening!
Okay, so the hair is the first "this."
The story behind the hair: Hannah has wanted to dye her hair green for a while and I'd said "no, no, no…okay." And then she asked me if I'd dye my hair with her. And, to my surprise, I said "okay!" It's quite an offer for a mom to get from her 17 year old!
So, I've never dyed my hair before. Ever. A few times I got highlights, but never dyed. So now my hair is dyed "mermaid." What can I say? I saw it on the internet. Note the subtle shading and updated ombre coloring. Heh heh. Actually, "mermaid" in my case consists of light blue, grey, dark blue, and purple. I feel the grey screams "I-know-I'm-54-and-I'm-not-trying-to-be-18-okay?-so-just-let-it-go-please!"
The second "this" is an even bigger deal (as if mermaid hair isn't enough!) Tomorrow, we leave on a cross country road trip. It is Hannah's high school graduation present. It's hokey, I guess, but I suppose every parent wants to give their kid the world. At least, I do. Memories, times, and shared experiences over things.
I know I 've not blogged for a while. That is because for the past several months I've been hard at work on outfitting an old cargo van for our trip. It is now basically a small - and IMHO exceedingly cool - RV. I have always wanted to build a house from scratch; for the past 10 years, I've also been very interested in tiny house living. So the van is two dreams come true for me! Actually, it's three - a cross country trip as a family is a dream that fills my heart to brimming! (Assuming we don't kill each other living in such a small space together for 30 days straight!)
Here are a few pictures of the van as it was been being built:
I researched and designed it over the course of about a year and it was a very creative and fun project! These days, I am really only able to concentrate on one thing at the time - multi-tasking seems to be a thing of the past for me - so it was almost like a part-time job. I loved every single minute of it and I learned a lot about solar power, plumbing, RVs, and electricity. Actually, I would be kind of sad that the process of building it is over if I wasn't so excited that we are actually able to use it now!
So, tomorrow we begin our journey. Marshall and I took an epic cross-country trip in 1994, after we both took the bar exam. We headed out with a tent in the trunk of our tiny Honda Del Sol. That was when I discovered just how gigantic the United States is. And how gorgeous and geographically diverse. I am excited to show Hannah!
When people ask us where we are going this time, Marshall has been answering with one word: West! To be a little more specific, we are heading to San Francisco by way of the Grand Canyon - so, we're taking the southern route out and the northern route back. Other than that, we're not 100% sure!
I have decided to blog about our trip and will try to post something every day we are gone, including pictures. I am so thrilled that we are able to do this as a family. It means so much to me - to all of us, really, especially now, just before Hannah heads off to college in the fall. I'm guessing there may be some bumps along the way - like 125 degree heat in a van with no air conditioning or just the fact that three adults (more or less) will be living full-time in less than 100 square feet! But there will also be much time for conversation, games, s'mores over an open fire, hikes, stargazing, family bonding, and taking in some incredible scenic beauty in the National Parks.
Along the way, I hope to catch you up on some of the other health-related things that have been going on for me…the unexpected journey continues. But you know, I don't think we'd be taking this trip right now in our lives if I hadn't been diagnosed with brain cancer. We're doing the things we've always wanted to do NOW. I think there is a lesson in that somewhere.
If you have any suggestions on where we should go on our trip, please let me know! The next few days we will be Virginia and Tennessee! We have our sights on Graceland!
Let the cross-country trip commence!
God speed!
Oh, I’m so excited for your trip. I have no specific suggestions – just enjoy every moment.
Thank you, Angela! We are so far!
Great hair, majorly great plan!! Good for you. ☺️
Love the mermaid hair Fran!! Have a wonderfully adventurous trip. Can’t wait to read all about it!
I’ve been following #vanlife for a couple years and thought about doing the same thing. Enjoy it! If you are able, you may be able to visit with Dolly Parton due to https://imaginationlibrary.com/ and your writing a children’s book (if you/your publisher are willing to allow her to give it away). If you pass through our area, let us know. Take care. Robert
I can’t get the link to work, Rob. Pls resend if you can. Will let you know if we head to Chicago!
So very excited for you all!! A trip of a lifetime and I hope you enjoy every minute. Please keep us updated along the way ❤️❤️❤️
Aw, thank you, Susan. It really is a trip we will always remember! Thanks for accompanying us here!
Tahoe! Over the mountain on your way to San Francisco. In fact, drive up the eastern side of the Sierra on Highway 395… cut over Highway 50 out of Carson City. I’ll meet you for lunch!
That is absolutely a deal, Ellen. Will plan to be in touch!
Some of your UVa classmates went to Graceland post bar by way of Dollywood in an RV! I would urge that. Gatlinburg and pigeon forge and also Nashville – country music – and walking on Beale St. And then in honor of the book The Firm going to Mud island! So glad you are going and writing to us about it. And know it will be amazing.
Cary! I did not know that you did that – how fun! Dollywood sounds like fun – I will have to research where that is, exactly. Also, Nashville (or just outside, at a farm) is where we are planning to be a couple of nights from now! I am not sure what to do there and don’t know much about it, so glad for the tips! Will definitely take pictures and post them here. Big hugs to you!
This is so awesome!! Your hair looks great and the RV is phenomenal! I have lots of suggestions of great places to see, but when we went cross-country a few years ago, friends suggested we make reservations to see Lower Antelope Canyon in Arizona. It was the only place that we scheduled and we had to be there on the date of our reservation, but it was absolutely amazing and I’m so glad we we went. Let me know if you want a list of the other places I recommend! Godspeed to you, Marshall, and Hannah!
Marci! I absolutely want every recommendation you have! Maybe a few at a time as we go, so I can keep up with them. Antelope Canyon is on my radar, but when I checked last (just before the lifting of some of the COVID restrictions) it was closed. I will check again. We only have one reservation, too, and that is to ride mules along the rim of the Grand Canyon! I am so psyched for that!